Let's Talk

Reach North West Communication Course Age 2-6 Years

Reach North West is committed to empowering parents and equipping them with the skills and knowledge to enable their children to flourish.

One of the most fundamental skills in life is communication, a skill that many children living with Autism or other developmental delays may need a little more help with.

This course will provide practical training on how to increase talking and for children who are unable to make vocal requests at present provide Augmentative and Alternative communication systems (AAC) as an alternative way to communicate, whilst also allowing the child to continue to work towards vocal speech. The course is practical and hands on, with a huge emphasis on having fun with our wonderful children whilst developing this vital life skill.

Course Outline

This 5-week course will be delivered by professionals including a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA), a Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT), as well as highly experienced ABA therapists. Each parent will attend the workshop with their child on a Saturday (morning or afternoon – time TBC) for a total of 5 weeks.

The course outline is as follows: Assessment – Parents complete a detailed application form. Parents and child then attend 30 minute assessment where a individualised communication system and requesting target will be agreed.

  • Week 1: The Theory Bit!  – Parents attend a workshop that will equip them with the theoretical knowledge needed to develop communication effectively  in a fun engaging way. Children will be looked after by qualified staff whilst parents participate in this workshop.
  • Week 2-5: Hands on training -the fun bit! Time to put the theory into practice.

Each week the professional team will support parents and their child by guiding and modelling how to put the skills into practice. Written and video feedback will be used to enable parents to take the skills home and use in every environment and maybe even teach the wider family how to support your little one

Requesting communication systems taught during the workshop:

  • PECS (picture exchange communication system– phases 1-3 (single words)
  • Makaton Sign – (single words)Echoics (copying sounds/words) – (single words or approximations)

(Please note this is based on each child’s pre-requisite skills)

The following criteria must be met in order in order to access the course:

  • No alternative communication system currently in place or a communication system (e.g. PECS) has recently been introduced
  • Pre-verbal or limited vocal repertoire
  • Between the ages of 2-6

To apply for this course please click this link Application Form

Event Registration

Start Date/Time 30-11-2019 9:45 am
Event End Date 30-11-2019 2:30 pm
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Location Essa Academy

Location Map